For The Third Time In History White Giraffe’s Spotted

For just the third time in the history of mankind, extremely rare white giraffes have been spotted and filmed in Kenya recently. Conservation rangers were stunned to discover the albino giraffes near the Ishaqbini conservation area in Garissa County. The rangers had heard rumours of a pair of white giraffes and finally spotted them earlier this year.
The animals were calm
Hirola Conservation Project experts who had witnessed the sighting wrote in a blog post that they managed to get very close to the animals who seemed to be extremely calm and undisturbed by their presence. According to the experts the giraffes have a condition known as leucism which is a loss of the pigmentation of the original skin colour of the animals.
The condition is known as leucism
During the sighting, the rangers managed to film close-ups of the patterns which were barely there and are known as reticulates which are usually found on the skin of a giraffes. The rangers said whilst they were observing the magnificent long necked animals looking at them, they could not help but notice that their skin was filled with reticulates that had faded. It was obvious that the colouration, particularly with the mother giraffe was not as conspicuous as with her offspring.
Sightings have occurred over the last year
As stated earlier, this is only the third time in history that a white giraffe has been spotted. The first sightings came in January 2016 in Tanzania’s Tarangire National Park. Later that year in March a second sighting was reported in the same area where the mother giraffe and her calf were seen during this year.