
We bring you the latest from around the World in wildlife and conservation news.

Endangered Fur Seals Stranded Off The Coast Of California

During 2015 as many as eighty fur seals were found either dead or stranded on the coast of California which according to scientists is eight times more than normal. 42 of the seals were found dead and the rest were found half starving but alive said the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Study Finds Monkeys And Humans Perceive Illusions In The Same Way

Results of a new study suggest that monkeys perceive visual illusions in much the same way as great apes and humans do. According to the research both humans and monkeys internalise the world in a similar fashion which reflects resemblances in the way these species interpret the world they live in. The study examined rhesus monkeys and capuchin monkeys, finding that both saw the Delbouef illusion in the same way adult humans did.

Climate Change Will Force The Snow Leopard Into Extinction

Rising temperatures will result in a loss of habitat of the snow leopard which will adversely affect their fight against extinction a new report suggests. WWF says over a third of the species mountain living areas could become unsuitable for them to live as a result of climate change. The WWF report says that warmer temperatures means that plants and trees in those areas will not be able to survive. The report describes the snow leopard not only as being beautiful and enigmatic but also one of the most elusive and endangered of the big cats.

Lion Populations Could Drop By Half Within 20 Years Researchers Warn

Lion populations could drop by as much as 50 per cent within two decades across much of the African continent according to the results of a new study. The study warns that lions living in West Africa are most at risk of being wiped out as a result of hunting and human encroachment. The study took twenty years and will be published by the US Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Wolves Make A Come Back In Poland

Wolves have made a comeback to a large national park on the edge of Warsaw decades after the species was wiped out by a large hunt organised by communists running the country. A spokesperson for Kampinos national park which measures 150 square miles says they are very happy the species has returned. Park officials are pleased that the species returning following their disappearance in the 1960’s means that nature is rejuvenating itself and is in good health.

Rare Northern White Rhino Dies Leaving Only Four Left On The Planet

Recently a Northern white rhino, which was just one of four left on the planet died at the San Diego Zoo. The incredibly rare animal succumbed to a bacterial infection and was also very old. The 41 year old rhino named Nola came to the zoo back in 1989 to participate in a breeding program. Unfortunately her health took a turn for the worse following a surgical procedure the zoo said in a statement. After her appetite and activity levels declined the 4000 pound rhino was placed under watch. Veterinary workers decided she needed to be euthanised after her condition deteriorated significantly.

Emperor Penguins Can Be Too Hot In Freezing Antarctic Winter

One of nature’s great survivors are emperor penguins because they have the ability to endure the Antarctic winters which are frigid cold and temperatures fall to as low as -20 °C or below. In order to avoid freezing to death, emperor penguins huddle together in groups that are tightly packed to conserve heat and provide shelter from the intensely cold wind.

Indonesian Wildfires Threatening Orangutans Of Borneo

Wild fires that have been raging in Indonesia have completely covered large parts of the island nation with a thick smoky haze. Government officials are more concerned with how the smoke is affecting people who live in the area however the local population of orangutan that live on the island of Borneo have been hit particularly hard.